Posts by: otmseo

Is Domestic Violence A Felony In Arizona?

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Domestic violence is a serious crime that should never be taken lightly. If you have been accused of domestic violence, you could face harsh punishments including some that could have long-term consequences. The penalties for such crimes in Arizona are more strict if the offense is deemed to be a…

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What To Do When Falsely Accused Of Domestic Violence?

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Domestic violence laws are to protect families and individuals from abuse in intimate or familial relationships. While it offers much-needed protection for victims, some individuals commit false allegations in domestic violence cases. We encourage you not to take false allegations lightly and to take action as soon as possible. If…

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What is the Age of Consent in Arizona?

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The age of consent is a key legal concept that defines the minimum age at which an individual is legally considered capable of giving informed consent to engage in sexual activities. In Arizona, the age of consent is an important legal boundary that is designed to protect minors from sexual…

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How long does a DUI stay on your record in Arizona?

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After being charged with drunk driving, you may have serious concerns about how a conviction will impact your life and how long a DUI stays on your record in Arizona. Not only could you be facing criminal penalties associated with a guilty verdict, but your criminal record will reflect your…

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Does Arizona have a Romeo and Juliet Law?

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Romeo and Juliet Law Arizona Statutory rape, like any form of rape or sexual assault, is one of the most severe types of sex crime you can be charged with. Although statutory rape does not always involve allegations of forced or nonconsensual sexual contact, it does include accusations of sexual…

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Are Psilocybin Mushrooms Illegal in Arizona?

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Psilocybin mushrooms, commonly referred to as "magic mushrooms," have attracted widespread attention recently. Although psilocybin is still considered a dangerous drug under Arizona law and getting caught with it can result in serious drug trafficking charges, a new bill might change all that. In this post, we will discuss the…

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