What is the Age of Consent in Arizona?

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The age of consent is a key legal concept that defines the minimum age at which an individual is legally considered capable of giving informed consent to engage in sexual activities. In Arizona, the age of consent is an important legal boundary that is designed to protect minors from sexual exploitation and safeguard their rights.

If you are charged with having sex with a minor in Arizona, the legal consequences can be severe. In such cases, be prepared to hire a skilled Arizona sex crime lawyer to help protect your rights and build a robust defense.

Legal Age of Consent in Arizona

In Arizona, the age of consent is 18 years. This means that individuals under 18 are generally not legally able to consent to sexual activity. Engaging in sexual activity, sexual intercourse, sexual contact, or sexual relations with a minor under the age of 18, even if they appear to willingly participate, can lead to serious legal consequences, including criminal charges.

You should understand that the age of consent laws are to protect minors from potential exploitation and ensure that they are not coerced or manipulated into sexual activities by adults. While the age of consent in Arizona is 18, there are a few important exceptions and considerations to keep in mind.

Exceptions to the Rule: Romeo and Juliet Laws in Arizona

In some cases, Arizona has what are commonly referred to as “Romeo and Juliet” laws. These exceptions recognize that, in certain circumstances, consensual sex between minors or between a minor and a slightly older individual should not result in criminal charges. These laws are designed to prevent situations where a minor who is close in age to their partner faces serious legal consequences.

Arizona’s Romeo and Juliet law, people in the following circumstances may not be subject to prosecution for statutory rape:

  • Aged 15, 16, or 17 years old
  • Within two years of each other’s age
  • Engaging in consensual sexual activity

However, you should note that these exceptions do not provide blanket immunity, and other factors may still come into play.

Statutory Rape and Age Difference

Statutory rape is a serious crime in Arizona. Statutory rape occurs when a person who is 18 years of age or older engages in sexual activity, sexual abuse, or sexual assault with a minor under the age of 18. Even if the sexual activity (which also includes oral sexual contact) appears consensual, the older individual may be charged with statutory rape, which can result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment, registration as a sex offender, and fines.

The key factor that law enforcement and the legal system consider is the age difference between the parties involved. Arizona consent law is strict regarding sexual activity involving minors, and there is no legal defense based on consent or the minor’s willingness to engage in the activity. Consent does not make it legal if one party is a minor (whether or not attending high school) and the other is an adult.

Legal Consequences

Engaging in sexual activity with a minor or committing child sexual abuse in Arizona can lead to various legal consequences, including but not limited to:

  • Criminal charges for statutory rape.
  • Imprisonment and fines.
  • Mandatory sex offender registration.
  • A criminal record that can affect future employment and housing prospects.
  • Restraining orders and protective orders.
  • Possible civil litigation.

The Role of Informed Consent

In any sexual relationship, it is essential to prioritize informed consent. This means that both parties involved must fully understand the implications of their actions, legally consent, and engage in sexual activity willingly and without coercion. Consent should always be given freely, informed, enthusiastic, and revocable at any time.

Understanding the age of consent laws in Arizona is important to avoid legal consequences and ensure that sexual relationships are built on trust, respect, and consent.

Potential Defenses If You are Charged with Having Sex with a Minor in Arizona

Here are some potential defenses that your Tucson criminal defense attorney may use to challenge the prosecution’s case:

Age of Consent 

If the age of the minor is very close to the age of consent and sexual activity was consensual, your attorney may argue that the minor was capable of giving informed consent. In Arizona, Romeo and Juliet laws allow for some flexibility in cases where there is a small age difference between the parties involved.

Lack of Knowledge 

Your attorney may argue that you were unaware of the minor’s true age at the time of the incident. If you had reasonable belief that the minor was of legal age, this defense could be used to challenge the charges or mitigate the consequences.

False Accusations 

Your attorney may argue that the allegations are false or the minor falsely accused you of the crime due to personal motives or other reasons.

No Sexual Activity 

If there is no evidence of sexual activity or the prosecution cannot prove that such activity took place, your attorney may challenge the charges on the basis of insufficient evidence.


If you can provide evidence that you were not present at the location where the alleged sexual activity happened, your sex crime defense lawyer may use your alibi as a defense.

Coercion or Duress 

If you can demonstrate that you engaged in sexual activity with the minor under duress or coercion, your attorney may argue that you were not acting of your own free will.

Mistaken Identity 

If there is doubt about your identity as the alleged perpetrator, your attorney may argue that the minor could be confusing you with someone else.

Constitutional Rights Violation 

Your attorney may review the circumstances of your arrest and the gathering of evidence to ensure that your constitutional rights were not violated during the investigation. Any violations could lead to the suppression of evidence.


If law enforcement or a third party induced or coerced you into engaging in sexual activity with a minor when you would not have otherwise, your Tucson criminal defense attorney may argue entrapment as a defense.

What Happens if the Minor Lies About Their Age?

Engaging in sexual activity with a minor is a serious legal issue in Arizona, and the age of consent is 18 years. If a minor lies about their age to engage in consensual sexual activity, it can create a complex and challenging legal situation. Here’s what may happen in such a scenario:

Ignorance of Age 

If an adult engages in sexual activity with a minor who has lied about their age and presented themselves as being of legal age, the adult may argue that they were unaware of the minor’s true age. This defense could potentially be used to challenge criminal charges.

Potential Legal Consequences 

Even if the minor falsely claimed to be of legal age, Arizona law still holds the adult responsible for verifying the minor’s age before engaging in sexual activity. Ignorance of the minor’s true age may not always be a valid defense, and criminal charges could still be filed against the adult.

Prosecution’s Perspective 

The prosecution might argue that it is the responsibility of adults to take reasonable steps to ascertain the age of their sexual partners, especially in situations where the age of the partner is in question.

Case Specifics 

The outcome may depend on the circumstances of the case, including the age difference between the parties, the evidence presented, and the judge’s or jury’s interpretation of the situation.

It is noteworthy that while the minor’s deception about their age may create some legal complexities, it may not necessarily absolve an adult from the legal consequences of engaging in sexual activity with a minor. Arizona law places a significant emphasis on protecting minors and maintaining the age of consent at 18, and legal defenses in such cases can be complex. Consulting with an attorney who specializes in sex crimes defense is the best way to navigate the legal process in this context.

Our Top Arizona Sex Crime Defense Lawyers Will Fight for Your Rights

If you are facing criminal charges related to sexual activity with a minor, the seasoned Arizona criminal defense attorneys at the Law Office of Hernandez & Hamilton, PC are ready to mount a robust defense to protect your rights and freedom. 

With deep knowledge of Arizona’s criminal justice system, an outstanding reputation in the legal community, and decades of experience defending clients facing sex crime charges, we can provide the most strategic defense to get your charges dismissed or reduced. 

Call 520-882-8823 or fill out this online contact form to schedule your free and confidential consultation. 

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